Welcome to my space

My name is Erin Bruchet. I am a self-taught artisan who shares my offerings where love and renewal are needed.

I live with my family in Vancouver, BC but spend as much time as possible in the stunning and remote Bridge River Valley.

For 15+ years as a clinical counsellor I helped children, youth and families as they moved through life’s transitions, hurts and trials. Expressive arts and a compassionate relationship have been core tools of the trade in helping others. Prior to becoming a counsellor, I dabbled briefly in the world of doula and midwifery care. I have a big heart for the healing journey generally as well as the arc of pregnancy & birth & new parenting/post-partum time.

And I love bringing therapeutic elements into the offerings you find at tenderwoods.

2020: Like so many, I found myself adrift from complicated pandemic response impacts on my life. With my family, we moved into a unique opportunity to live remotely for a year at our cabin and committed to alternative education for our kids. See my blog.

It was during this pandemic chapter of retreat and quiet that I re-discovered the wonderful craft of needle-felting: ‘poking’ wool with a specially designed needle to transform it into shaped felt. It was first introduced to me by Dr. Marie José Dhaese as a therapeutic method for work with young clients where client and helper co-create a symbolically loaded ‘pocket pal’ companion.

In 2020, I learned that needle-felting was very forgiving of beginner mistakes and far more satisfying an endeavour than expected. I discovered the repetitive movement and sensory capacities were indeed self-regulating.

I became very attached!

My little critters paired with meaningful words and Nature’s ‘bits’ were an important way for me to connect with those I care about when separation & struggle, frustration & fear permeated life for us.

I am excited to share them in this new, more expansive way through tenderwoods and delight in the recent evolution where I now facilitate experiential workshops in my communities and beyond.